Saturday, October 25, 2008


Let me just start this off with this : maggie I totally hung up on you when you called. It's not what you think! your still the love of my life! you see i was in a movie and it was getting to the good parts. i had planned on calling you back but i didn't expect the movie to be that long and i thought you might be sleeping. in conclusion, im sorry pooper. But yeah Camille(the love of my life), Justin and i saw W. It made me see Bush differently. I still think he is a shitty ass president who drove our economy into the ground but the movie makes you feel kind of bad for him. He really is just an average guy who never should have became president. There were these two girls in the movie theater who i loooved. they were so loud and commented on pretty much everything. then they dropped a can and it scared the shit out of Justin which made me happy. also when we were all walking to the movies this little girl stared at Camille and was all like "hey i know you", but Camille had no idea who this girl was and Justin found this to be hilarious and spit his coffee everywhere laughing. Camille is probably this secrete disney channel star and all of the little girls love her. --The little girl came out of the movie theater after seeing high school musical and recognized Camille as being the wildcats head cheerleader.-- That's what really happened. mm that's sexy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww i wish i could have been there especially for the conversation that followed such a controvesial film i would have loved to hear camille rant after lol :) dont worry i still know that we are lovers lol. loves you betch.