Monday, October 27, 2008

high five

Well, i can't sleep. I was reading an article about finger length (really random, i know) and apparently your fingers can tell a lot about a person. For example, if your a girl and your ring finger is shorter then your index finger and/or if they are the same length, you are more likely to be straight, good at reading and writing, "feminine", getting breast cancer. If you are a girl and your ring finger is longer then your index finger you are more likely to be good at math, science, and sports. Also you are more likely to be gay, left handed, more aggressive, and have autism. For guys it's the opposite, if their ring finger is longer then their index finger they are usually good at reading and writing, and are usually straight [etc.]. This all has to do with the levels of testosterone you have in the womb since testosterone is responsible for the length of your fingers. They have actually linked this to the "gay gene" trying to prove that being gay is through nature, not nurture. So uh.. yeah, there you go. I had waay too much caffeine today and i really cant sleep. So im reading pointless things.

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