Thursday, July 31, 2008


I've decided to start college in January. Actually I've always wanted to start in the winter and my parents have both said no. So today i was signing up for fall classes and my mom says "Are you sure you want to start in the fall? wouldn't you rather start in the winter?". I was so happy. I need this time to figure out what I want to do with my life. Radiology is still my number one choice but I have some doubts. Not to mention I have a lot of growing up to do. I need to get a job and i neeed to get my license (which I should be getting my date back any damn day now.) I know it's only like six months until January but i think i can figure some things out in that time. I want to see if I cant get out of Maine for a little while. The thing is I have no idea where the hell I'd go... Portland, Oregon perhaps? haha yeah I have no idea why I want to go there so badly. I use to really want to go to Providence, Rhode Island and now i could give a shit less about the place. Maybe it's just one of those things. Right now is the happiest i've been in a while. I needed to get something off my chest which I had been carrying for a while ( no, not my boobs) and I did. Oh and is that a little ambition im feeling? hmm well thats new. i loooove youuu.

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